How a great client relationship led to a fruitful long term collaboration, resulting in many incremental SafetyBase improvements
This multi-national pharmaceutical company was our first large scale client, just a few months after SafetyBase was released. Their health and safety manager was, and still is, an enthusiastic supporter. This story is about a mutually satisfactory collaboration on a list of incremental improvements over a period of years. It was our first of many collaborations with clients. It led the way to what became our favourite way to improve SafetyBase – by listening to ideas and suggestions.
Here is a list of improvements we worked together on:
A site makeover that changed the “skin” of the application and displayed pages in a cleaner and more compact way.
- Displaying custom reports on the Dashboard.
- A Calendar view and Tabulated view of upcoming Tasks, with enquiry filters for drilling into the display.
- One-click safety history. (Clicking on a person’s name reveals all their history, like training, accidents, attending meetings, doing inspections etc.)
- Escalation system for files that stay open too long.
- Override of permissions for sensitive file types.
- Automatic archiving of files after a given period.
The great thing about collaborations with clients is that it’s always a win-win. The client gets some great functionality that was important to them; we get sponsored improvements to the product. And you don’t have to be an Enterprise Edition client to take those opportunities.
The above functionality is built in to SafetyBase and available to clients using any of the three editions.
For further information, call Simon Lawrence +64 9 535 4355 (0800 000 267) or email